
Analysis and solutions tailored to individual needs

ALD Automotive pays particular attention to its customers’ needs. We offer the assistance and knowledge of our experienced consultants in the analysis of issues relating to fleet management, in the following areas: 

  • Matching of the fleet to the customer's needs

Every business is unique. ALD Automotive consultants will help choose the right makes and models of vehicles, including technical parameters and equipment, to match the firm’s particular needs. They will also help select the appropriate scope and form of fleet management services.

  • Creation of a fleet policy

ALD Automotive has many years’ experience in the creation of fleet policies, which it will gladly share. We help create fleet policies for our customers. A well-prepared fleet policy makes it possible to manage vehicles effectively and to reduce costs.

  • TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) analysis

Calculation of the actual costs generated by a vehicle fleet is the basis for the taking of good decisions. ALD Automotive consultants will help define and analyse both direct and indirect costs, and show how to optimise existing solutions to improve their efficiency.